About Us
The north star arch valve of the world north valve group    North valve group is located in the center of Beijing economic and technological development zone supporting area, chairman of the board of directors of the company HongYiXiang from the beginning to the "product quality is the foundation, technology innovation is the motivation, whole-hearted service is the guarantee" the 21st word principle "as the core concept of enterprise development, led a group of vigorous north valve through wi...
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Project Case
Hydropower station case
Hydropower station caseHydropower station caseHydropower sta...
Chemical plant cases
Chemical plant casesChemical plant casesChemical plant cases...
Nuclear power stations
Nuclear power stationsNuclear power stationsNuclear power st...
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> 蝶阀的结构和在使用过程存在的问题
> 大型蝶阀导向柱偏斜变形的处理
> 三偏心蝶阀密封面联动磨削的运动特性分析
> 弹性金属硬密封蝶阀的结构特点
> 偏心密封蝶阀及其它蝶阀的基本知识
> 对夹式蝶阀的蝶板安装
> 阀门知识大全阀门知识原理阀门基础知识
> 法兰蝶阀用途和特点
Fax :010-67867082
Address:No. 1, qirong road, changzi camp, daxing district, Beijing
E-mail:beifavip@163.com; beifa@chinabeifa.com